Keeping a Savings Fund for Emergency Situations

It goes without saying that money is everyone’s concern; whether it’s used for the weekly groceries or for the family’s car fund, it will always be at the top of everybody’s minds. While it’s common and quite useful to always keep a budget or to limit one’s spending, all of the careful planning and preparation can go out the window in emergency situations.

Accidents that cause bodily harm to family members can take precedence over anything else, and parents will spare nothing to ensure their children are treated well. After the affair is over however, the family’s declining savings account will prompt them about whether or not they should keep a separate fund exclusively for emergencies.

With an emergency account, it’s not a question of “if”, but “when”. Starting early is encouraged and any amount will do because accidents and the like have a way of making people overly emotional and unable to think straight.

Cash in bank is always welcome, but cash on hand is just as important. Always have a few twenty or fifty dollar bills on your person as these smaller amounts can be a lifesaver in the right situation.

Finally, make sure that your mobile phone is charged and has prepaid credit always. In emergency situations; the phone is the first thing everyone reaches for right after an accident.

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